6M Faceless Views for Dropshipping TikTok Product
- in bulk recording, d2c, dropshipping & 1 more
This TikTok D2C/dropshipping account (tt@jelliefishlamp) made:
> 6,050,000 views in < 30 days.
> posting 4 videos/day of the same format. 100% faceless:
It’s a jellyfish-shaped lamp. Perfect “TikTok product” trend.
They record videos showing different light colours & in different parts of the house:
The jellyfishlamp hashtag has dozens of influencer videos, some with 7M+ organic views.
Some accounts, if you look closer, are also brand accounts selling the same product.
Clearly a TikTop shop <> dropshipping scheme:
There are a handful of accounts like this one, that attempted a start with a few videos and stopped.
All around the same period 4 to 7 weeks back.
tt@jelliefishlamp is the sole account that seemed to have gone through successfully here.
They are trying to expand quickly with a multi-account strategy: A 2nd account (tt@aura_jelly) started posting a few videos.
They should be able to scale posting volume relatively quickly.