350,000,000+ views with:
Recycled motivational content by Jordan Peterson, A. Tate, David Goggins & co…
Why/how you could make quick MRR$:
Hawk Motivation (same operator):
1 (tt@hawkmotivation) => 186K followers, 66M views, stopped posting July 2024
2 (tt@hawkmotivationtt) => 21K followers, 6M views, started posting August 2024
3 ig@howkmotivationig => 1/2M followers, 250M views, median 36k (active)
They post
At least twice a day on tiktok.
and on Instagram (ig@hawkmotivationig) they post 6 -7 times per day, every single day…
They reached half a million followers in < 500 days.
They (easily) did it with
bulk repurposed content.
They found viral interviews with famous ppl, cut them, apply a B&W filter, add subtitles and branding.
Takes sub 5 minutes to edit each video => they can make 12 videos in 1h and post on the same day.
They also get
Thousands of likes, saves, comments and shares… Crazy engagement.
On TikTok, IG, YT and FB.
So with a scheme like this, you could:
Sell anything in the account’s vertical.
and they could leverage their high engagement page to sell:
- Productivity tools / planners
- Motivational quotes & affirmation apps
- Any kind of spirituality/self-help app
I mean, when you know that
The “Motivation – Daily Quotes” app is making $300,000 in MRR, this thread starts to make a lot of sense.
You could take 1% of their market and make solid MRR today by building a simple app on top of a meme/motivation account